Saturday, July 5, 2008

New Chickens

Last week saw the arrival of four new chooks: two Araucanas; one Transylvanian Naked Neck; and one large Wyandotte. The Wyandotte and older Araucana have taken to the chook house readily, but the younger Araucana and Naked Neck (Elvira) are roosting under the deck. The effort to extract them every night and drop them on a roost in the chook house is beginning to tell - we've got to come up with a better solution (for my sake). Also, I was led to believe that the Naked Necks were a placid breed - Elvira has pecked me numerous times, and one night, started this hysterical clucking when I picked her up. Madness. Anyway, here's a pic of our Wyandotte, Winny.

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