It's chicken worming time - as we're catching the chicken, we're making a list of those who have swallowed the horrible medicine. About 11 still to go.
Some flowers appearing on our broad bean plants. Looking forward to some tasty beans soon.
Winnie -the uneasy calm before the enevitable dosage.
Never wormed a chicken. Goats and cows are bad enough, can't imagine the fun you had. Probably nicer than preg checking cows, but not by much.
Noticed (finally, I'm not very quick some times) that besides chickens you like the banjo. I follow another blog written by a chicken tending banjo lover. Check it out
Thanks for the chicken/banjo link - v. interesting. Not too hard to worm the chickens, really. Just a matter of catching them really. Got a broody one at the moment, but not sure if she's sitting on eggs which will hatch or not. She sure thinks they will!
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